Thursday, October 13, 2011

Roasting a Pepper

I had a request to show how I do roasted red peppers.  I try to steer away from How To's because everyone has their own way of cooking.  And I'm not a trained professional.  I will tell you how I roast a pepper.  I use a simplified method that is quick as well.  Remember not to rush the process though.  You'll end up with burnt fingers or a lot of time peeling.

I usually roast red peppers.  I had a green one on hand.  They roast the same way and I thought it would be a good addition to tonight's dinner.  Here is the process in 5 easy steps.

1.  Cut sides off pepper

2. rub pepper pieces with olive oil

3. broil peppers for 5-10 minutes until dark blisters form

4.  Remove from oven and place in covered bowl to cool

5. Peel off blistered skin

Some roast peppers by baking them in the oven.  I think they do around 425 degrees for 40 minutes or more.  I think for this process, you leave the pepper whole and turn several times.  This would probably give you a deeper flavor.  But I like the simpler method.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! Thanks!!
